Dev Null In C

  1. C Null Char
  2. Dev Null Command In Unix
  3. Dev Null In C Section
  4. Dev Null In Cmd

/dev/null is a channel created by me (zanidd) about infosec, hacking and coding. The goal of this channel is to entertain, teach and spread awarness with the hope to inspire future PenTesters, Red. Sep 08, 2017  The /dev/null is a tool added by OpenBlocks. This tool is used to discard all of a single item type when they are picked up. It has a single inventory slot, which can be accessed through sneak-using it when not targeting anything; it cannot be in reach of. Key point; When rooting a machine, intruders will often redirect logging to /dev/null For example, the command ln -s /dev/null.bashhistory will cause the system to stop logging bash commands. In layman's terms, it means much the same thing as black hole. Typical usage: if you don't like what I have to say, please direct your comments to /dev/null. Programname /dev/null 2&1 & But recently I came across this webpage where the following method was recommended: programname dev/null &/dev/null & Now, I know what the first one means. It means to point stderr to stdout and stdout to /dev/null i.e. Both stderr and stdout is now pointed to null. But what does the second one means? Devnull is the name of a computer worm for the Linux operating system that has been named after /dev/null, Unix's null device. This worm was found on 30 September 2002. This worm, once the host has been compromised, downloads and executes a shell script from a web server. This script downloads a gzipped executable file named k.gz from the same address, and then decompresses and runs the file.

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It is always a good practice to assign the pointer NULL to a pointer variable in case you do not have exact address to be assigned. This is done at the time of variable declaration. A pointer that is assigned NULL is called a null pointer.

The NULL pointer is a constant with a value of zero defined in several standard libraries, including iostream. Consider the following program −

C Null Char

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −

On most of the operating systems, programs are not permitted to access memory at address 0 because that memory is reserved by the operating system. However, the memory address 0 has special significance; it signals that the pointer is not intended to point to an accessible memory location. But by convention, if a pointer contains the null (zero) value, it is assumed to point to nothing.

To check for a null pointer you can use an if statement as follows −

Thus, if all unused pointers are given the null value and you avoid the use of a null pointer, you can avoid the accidental misuse of an uninitialized pointer. Many times, uninitialized variables hold some junk values and it becomes difficult to debug the program.

(Redirected from Dev/null)
Special device files

In some operating systems, the null device is a device file that discards all data written to it but reports that the write operation succeeded. This device is called /dev/null on Unix and Unix-like systems, NUL: or NUL on CP/M and DOS (internally DEVNUL), nul on newer Windows systems[1] (internally DeviceNull on Windows NT), NIL: on Amiga operating systems,[2] and NL: on OpenVMS.[3] In Windows Powershell, the equivalent is $null.[4] It provides no data to any process that reads from it, yielding EOF immediately.[5] In IBM DOS/360, OS/360 (MFT, MVT), OS/390 and z/OS operating systems, such files would be assigned in JCL to DD DUMMY.

In programmer jargon, especially Unix jargon, it may also be called the bit bucket[6] or black hole.


Dev Null Command In Unix

According to the Berkeley UNIX man page, Version 4 Unix, which AT&T released in 1973, included a null device.[7][8]


The null device is typically used for disposing of unwanted output streams of a process, or as a convenient empty file for input streams. How to use mac bootcamp. This is usually done by redirection.

Dev Null In C Section

Dev Null In Cmd

The /dev/null device is a special file, not a directory, so one cannot move a whole file or directory into it with the Unix mv command.

References in computer culture[edit]

This entity is a common inspiration for technical jargon expressions and metaphors by Unix programmers, e.g. 'please send complaints to /dev/null', 'my mail got archived in /dev/null', and 'redirect to /dev/null'—being jocular ways of saying, respectively: 'don't bother sending complaints', 'my mail was deleted', and 'go away'. The iPhone Dev Team commonly uses the phrase 'send donations to /dev/null', meaning they do not accept donations.[9] The fictitious person name 'Dave (or Devin) Null' is sometimes similarly used (e.g., 'send complaints to Dave Null').[10] In 1996, Dev Null was an animated virtual reality character created by Leo Laporte for MSNBC's computer and technology TV series The Site. Dev/null is also the name of a vampire hacker in the computer game Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption. A 2002 advertisement for the Titanium PowerBook G4 reads The Titanium Powerbook G4 Sends other UNIX boxes to /dev/null.[11]

The null device is also a favorite subject of technical jokes,[12] such as warning users that the system's /dev/null is already 98% full. The April Fool's, 1995 issue of the German magazine c't reported on an enhanced /dev/nullchip that would efficiently dispose of the incoming data by converting it to a flicker on an internal glowing LED.

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Redirecting Error Messages from Command Prompt: STDERR/STDOUT'. Retrieved 2020-03-06.
  2. ^'A Beginner's Guide to Amiga E - Linked Lists'. Retrieved 2020-03-06.
  3. ^'OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual'. Retrieved 2020-03-06.
  4. ^SteveL-MSFT. 'about_Automatic_Variables - PowerShell'. Retrieved 2020-03-06.
  5. ^'Single Unix Specification Section 10.1: Directory Structure and Files'. The Open Group. Retrieved 2012-11-29.
  6. ^'bit bucket'. Jargon File. Retrieved 2013-12-27.
  7. ^'null(4)'. The NetBSD Project.
  8. ^'sh(1) manual from version 4 Unix'.
  9. ^'Dev-Team Blog - Donations to /dev/null'. 2015-09-07. Archived from the original on 2015-09-07. Retrieved 2018-11-15.
  10. ^Goodman, Danny (2004). Spam wars : our last best chance to defeat spammers, scammers, and hackers. New York: SelectBooks. p. 170. ISBN9781590790632. OCLC1036874851.
  11. ^'Image: unixad.jpg, (1094 × 720 px)'. Archived from the original on 2013-03-26. Retrieved 2015-09-02.
  12. ^'The FreeBSD Funnies'. Retrieved 2012-11-28.
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